
On a hot summer day, the Oyster Bay Water District delivers over 3 million gallons of water per day. That quantity of water is three (3) times what we pump on a typical winter day. This 300% increase in water use can mostly be attributed to lawn irrigation systems. It is estimated that upwards of 80 to 90 percent of the water pumped on a hot summer day is used for lawn irrigation.

The Water District needs to maintain a sufficient capacity of their supply wells and pump stations to meet the maximum day water demands plus a reserve for fire protection. Therefore, as our water use continues to increase, the District needs to construct new supply facilities – even though these facilities may only be necessary for a few peak days during the year.

One way to minimize the impact of the peak water use days is to encourage water conservation by the residents of the District. The District implemented a water conservation plan back in 1986 with the major component following the Nassau County Lawn Watering Ordinance. Even-numbered households are permitted to water on even-numbered days and odd-numbered households are permitted to water on odd-numbered days. Watering is prohibited between the hours of 10am and 4pm. The District recommends installing smart irrigation controllers to help reduce peak water consumption.

  1. Reduce watering times on all zones by five minutes
  2. Check for broken sprinkler heads
  3. Install automatic rain sensors
  4. Cover pools and hot tubs to reduce evaporation and check regularly for leaks

You can play an active role in conserving water by looking for ways to reduce water use in your home.

  1. Load dishwashers and washing machines to full capacity to reduce the number of cycles
  2. Check faucets and toilets for leaks
  3. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
  4. Limit shower times.

The Board of Commissioners encourages all residents to consider water conservation in their every day lives. Let’s save water for both emergency use and to ensure we have a sufficient supply of drinking water for generations to come.

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